"Derm haven is literally a god send..derm haven is so professional, courteous, clean,geared towards making your past mistakes a memory rather than having to look at them everyday.so precise in application and pain free.Itotally recommend using derm haven for your tattoo removal and any other service they offer. It will be top notch from the moment you open the door until the moment you walk out."
Integrating aesthetic & medical dermatology for better results
Derm haven
Dermatology Med Spa in St. George by Tina Moussally, MPAS, PA-C
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Who we are
Board certified PA Tina Moussally, with nearly 2 decades as a Dermatology provider, keeps her patients’ skin healthy, cancer free, beautiful and aging well. She specializes in natural looking aesthetic injectables while addressing skin health, cosmetic concerns, with a focus on prevention for a synergistic effect yielding better results.
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What we do
Enhancing the effectiveness of treatments using evidence based medicine, addressing underlying skin conditions alongside aesthetic improvements.
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Ready to help yourself to your healthiest skin ever? Schedule your appointment by calling us at (435) 695-8585 or tapping the button below.
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